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The Vikings : Wolves of War, by Martin Arnold.
A Concise History of the French Revolution, by Sylvia Neely.
Integrating Ecofeminism, Globalization, and World Religions, by Rosemary Radford Ruether.
Find Racetalk by Kristen a.Myers in Paperback and other formats in Language Arts & Disciplines > Linguistics - Sociolinguistics..
The World Turned Inside Out : American Thought and Culture at the End of the 20th Century, by James Livingston.
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Plutarco Elías Calles and the Mexican Revolution, by Jürgen Buchenau.
Brazil in the Making : Facets of National Identity, by Carmen Nava.
Engaging Europe : Rethinking a Changing Continent, by Evlyn Gould.
Globalization and Labor : Democratizing Global Governance, by Dimitris Stevis.
Frames of Protest : Social Movements and the Framing Perspective, by Hank Johnston.
The Prophet and Power : Jean-Bertrand Aristide, the International Community, and Haiti, by Alex Dupuy.
Cases in Advertising and Marketing Management : Real Situations for Tomorrow's Managers, by Edd Applegate.
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The Marxism of Che Guevara : Philosophy, Economics, Revolutionary Warfare, by Michael Löwy.
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The Media Globe : Trends in International Mass Media, by Lee Artz.
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Smart Mice, Not-So-Smart People : An Interesting and Amusing Guide to Bioethics, by Arthur Caplan.
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White Logic, White Methods : Racism and Methodology, by Tukufu Zuberi.
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Bard in Paperback and other formats in History > Middle East - Israel & Palestine. Find 1001 Facts Everyone Should Know about Israel by Mitchell G..
Radical Islam's Rules : The Worldwide Spread of Extreme Shari'a Law, by Paul Marshall.
Find Kabbalah by Byron L.Sherwin in Paperback and other formats in Religion > Judaism - Kabbalah & Mysticism..