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Find The Mughal Empire by John F.Richards in Paperback and other formats in History > Asia - India & South Asia..
. Find The Making of Strategy by Williamson Murray in Paperback - Revised Ed.and other formats in Technology & Engineering > Military Science.
Power from Wind : A History of Windmill Technology, by Richard Leslie Hills.
The Foundations of Modern Science in the Middle Ages, by Edward Grant.
Revolution, Radicalism and Reform : England 1780-1846, by Richard Brown.
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Demons of Disorder, by Dale Cockrell.
The Origins of the First and Second World Wars, by Frank McDonough.
Shame : Theory, Therapy, Theology, by Stephen Pattison.
A Forest of Time : American Indian Ways of History, by Peter Nabokov.
Music Dictionary, by Roy Bennett.
. Find Debating Slavery by Mark M.Smith in Hardcover and other formats in Social Science > Ethnic Studies - African American Studies.
An Economic and Social History of the Ottoman Empire, by Suraiya Faroqhi.
The Cambridge Handbook of Physics Formulas, by Graham Woan.
The Cambridge Companion to the Organ, by Nicholas Thistlethwaite.
.Murray in Paperback and other formats in Science > Physics - Astrophysics.
Common Families of Flowering Plants, by Hickey Michael.
and other formats in Literary Criticism > Medieval..
Teaching Shakespeare : A Handbook for Teachers, by Rex Gibson.
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Cushing in Paperback and other formats in Science > Physics - General. Find Philosophical Concepts in Physics by James T..
Virtues of the Mind : An Inquiry Into the Nature of Virtue and the Ethical Foundations of Knowledge, by Linda Trinkaus Zagzebski.
Challenging Codes : Collective Action in the Information Age, by Alberto Melucci.
Ethics and Extermination : Reflections on Nazi Genocide, by Michael Burleigh.
Democracy and Decision, by Geoffrey Brennan.
Mathematical Methods and Models for Economists, by Angel de la Fuente.
Scheff in Paperback and other formats in Social Science > Sociology - General.
Revolutions 1789-1917, by Allan Todd.