The Colors of Me : A Journey of Identity for Biracial Children, by Ekaette Kern.
The Scarecrow's Queen : A Monster Romance, by Mel Braxton.
Freed, by Lacey Lehotzky.
The White Picket Fence, by Karen Rose.
Wilde Fae : A Kingdom of Monsters: The Printed Edges Paperback Edition, by Kate King.
Diving in, by.
The Seance, by.
One Man Great Enough : Abraham Lincoln's Road to Civil War, by.
Mary, Mary, by.
The Widow of the South, by.
L'Il Bratz : Schooltime Style: L'Il Bratz, by.
The Civil War : Strange & Fascinating Facts, by.
Decorating with Lizzie McGuire with Sticker, by.
Swiss Family Robinson, by.
20,000 Leagues Under The Sea, by.
Legend Of Sleepy Hollow, by.
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Moby Dick, by.
Jane Eyre, by.
Ronald Reagan : A Remarkable Life, by.
I Love Daddy, by.
Princesses Are Pretty, by.
A Pocket Guide to Dogs, by.
The Big Bug Book, by.
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Alfred Hitchcock The Legend Begins DVD, by.
Vietnam War DVD, by.
Vietnam War Stories DVD, by.
Black Beauty, by.
Gulliver's Travels, by.