Category Features Company
Forged in Blood : A dark paranormal/ fantasy romance, by Sadie Kincaid.
Broken : A Billionaire Marriage of Convenience Romance: Manhattan Ruthless, by Sadie Kincaid.
This Must Be the Place : How Music Can Make Your City Better, by Shain Shapiro.
Anti-Oculus : A Philosophy of Escape, by Acid Horizon.
The Exhausted of the Earth : Politics in a Burning World, by Ajay Singh Chaudhary.
How the Railways Will Fix the Future : Rediscovering the Essential Brilliance of the Iron Road, by Gareth Dennis.
Taipei at Daybreak, by Brian Hioe.
Count The Diggers, Dumper Trucks, Tractors : Book For Kids Aged 2-5, by Lily Hoffman.
?. Find What Rhymes With..
A Brief History of Italy, by Dominic Haynes.
Unbelievable Crimes Volume One : Macabre Yet Unknown True Crime Stories, by Daniela Airlie.
Spruced up for Murder, by Helen Golden.
A Baptism Gift Prayer and Memory Book, by Deborah Lock.
To Love and To Perish, by Steve Higgs.
Aisle Kill Him, by Steve Higgs.
Wedding Ceremony Woes, by Steve Higgs.
Ship's Detective, by Steve Higgs.
Fitness Can Kill, by Steve Higgs.
Death by Pirates, by Steve Higgs.
First Dig Two Graves, by Steve Higgs.
Eton Mess Massacre, by Steve Higgs.
Cornish Pasty Conspiracy, by Steve Higgs.
The Sandman, by Steve Higgs.
Untethered Magic, by Steve Higgs.
Rumble in Rio, by Steve Higgs.
Lyme Regis Layover - Rex Takes the Biscuit, by Steve Higgs.
The Gastrothief, by Steve Higgs.
Four Ex-Wives and a Wedding, by Steve Higgs.
Holy Homicide, by Penelope Cress.
Pious Poison, by Penelope Cress.